Home & Family

When grappling with hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) or nausea and vomiting in pregnancy (NVP), the mere thought of managing household responsibilities can feel overwhelming. It's important to remember that struggling with simple everyday tasks is a common experience among HG sufferers, and there's no reason to feel guilty or beat yourself up about this. Your body is facing significant challenges while also nurturing a growing baby, so it's essential to prioritise your well-being and listen to your body and what it needs. 

Let go of the guilt

On days when HG symptoms render you bedridden or require hospitalisation, it's natural to feel stressed about the neglected chores awaiting your attention. However, it's crucial to remind yourself that your current circumstances warrant compassion and understanding, not self-reproach. Just as you wouldn't expect someone battling a serious illness to maintain a pristine home, you deserve the same leniency and support during this challenging time.

Ask for help

Reach out to loved ones who are willing to lend a helping hand with tasks such as cleaning, laundry, and grocery shopping. Additionally, if you can afford it, consider outsourcing some jobs by hiring cleaners, paying for laundry services or opting for grocery delivery. While these services may incur additional expenses, they can alleviate feelings of guilt and anxiety while ensuring your home remains functional and your family's needs are met.

It takes a village

When it comes to feeding your family, the thought of meal preparation can seem daunting. Delegating this responsibility to your partner or another family member is ideal, but if this isn't feasible, exploring meal delivery services can be a lifesaver. Alternatively, enlist the support of friends and family by initiating a meal train, where loved ones take turns cooking and stocking your fridge and freezer with ready-to-eat meals. Websites like Meal Train make it easy to coordinate meal schedules and ensure your family's dietary needs are met with minimal effort on your part.