Recovering from NVP and HG, especially if symptoms persist until delivery, can take some time. It’s important to give yourself time to recover from any pregnancy, labour and birth - and even more so if you’ve survived a pregnancy that rendered you sick. Experts suggest that it can take 1-2 months of recovery for every one month you lived with NVP or HG. Remember to be kind to your body and mind, and allow yourself the time and care you need to feel well and strong.
Supplement + Replenish
Any normal pregnancy can leave you depleted in important stores of vitamins and nutrients. During the postpartum period, you are encouraged to focus on rebuilding your stores of certain things in order to return to a healthy equilibrium. When NVP or HG is a factor in pregnancy this is of particular concern. While pregnant, you are naturally resupplying your body with the vitamins and nutrients the baby is drawing from - but this is near impossible when you cannot eat and drink normally.
The big ones to look out for are iron, B vitamins, folic acid, zinc, copper and magnesium. Your doctor will be able to conduct tests to monitor your levels and suggest supplements or dietary requirements that can ensure you rebuild your stores. We also recommend taking a prenatal or multivitamin, especially if you’re breastfeeding, to help boost your stores of these essential nutrients.
Mental Health
There is no denying that living with NVP or HG for any amount of time has a profound impact on your mental health. If you were receiving professional support for your mental health while you were pregnant, it may be beneficial to continue this postpartum. Research shows that individuals who have complicated pregnancies, like those affected by NVP and HG, are more likely to develop postpartum depression and/or anxiety. It’s important to stay on top of your mental health postpartum and seek help if you feel yourself struggling.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is common among HG survivors. This condition is associated with a number of negative outcomes for women including an inability to breastfeed, relationship and financial problems and a lack of self-care. If you feel you may be suffering from PTSD please get in touch so we can support you.
We recommend checking out the following organisations who are experts in postpartum depression and anxiety. They have a variety of ways to receive help depending on what you’re most comfortable with.
Support Services
T: 1300 726 306
E: support@panda.org.au
Try their hotline for more in-depth and individual support you can access from home
Gidget Foundation
T: 1300 851 758
E: starttalking@gidgetfoundation.org.au
Gidget offers a free video counselling service for parents struggling with their mental health and are unable to have a face to face consultation. Up to 10 free video counselling sessions are available through their Start Talking program. However, you will need a referral and a mental health care plan from your GP to use the service.
T: 1300 224 636
E: fill in the contact form here
With lots of options for points of contact - including online forums - BeyondBlue is a great source of support when you’re struggling and can’t leave the house. You can even read the stories of other parents through their Speak Up initiative.
Pregnancy, Birth & Baby
T: 1800 882 436
The Pregnancy, Birth and Baby maternal child health nurses are available seven days a week over the phone or via video call between the hours of 7am and midnight (AET)
Pregnancy, labour and birth are one of the hardest things the human body can experience. Adding the difficulties that arise from NVP and HG and your body is going to suffer. Remember that it takes nine months to make a baby, and so it will take at least that long to recover from it. We know that it’s easier said than done, but it’s important to remember to nurture yourself during the postpartum period. Continue to rely on the people around you, work with your doctor on a plan for regaining your health, and give yourself permission to rest whenever possible.
We encourage you to ignore the damaging messaging about ‘bouncing back after baby’ which may guilt you into rushing to the gym as soon as possible after birth. Your body has been through a profoundly intense experience and taking things slow and steady is the best way forward. Sufferers of NVP and HG may be bed-bound for weeks or months at a time, resulting in wasting of the muscles and lack of strength and tone. Work with a specialist physio or your GP to devise an exercise plan that takes this into account allowing you to safely work towards your fitness goals. Your GP will be able to give you a referral to a physio that will cover ten sessions under Medicare. Remember, you were pregnant for nine months so it will take, at least, that long to regain your fitness. A routine that is slow but involves constant movement is your best chance at successfully undoing the physical damage caused by pregnancy, birth and sickness.
Eating + Drinking
Being sick while you’re pregnant undoubtedly leaves you with a complicated relationship with food. Some survivors find that they get their appetites back as soon as they’ve delivered their baby and placenta. Others find that it takes a few weeks or months to get back to eating normally. It’s important to remember that you can only do what works for you.
If you experience food aversions during pregnancy these may linger postpartum. Some people find that months after birth they are able to introduce these foods back into their diet - while others will never look at that particular food again. The same can be true of safe foods - you may be so tired of eating and drinking the same things day-in-day-out that you never want to think of them again. You may find, especially immediately after birth, that you have a strong reaction to your safe foods. They can trigger memories of the trauma of living with extreme pregnancy sickness. If you experience this it’s okay to take time out from those items until you feel ready.
We recommend working with a trusted doctor, dietitian or nutritionist to develop a meal plan that will both support your postpartum recovery and not trigger any aversions you may be experiencing.
Continued Symptoms
Unfortunately, some sufferers find that their symptoms persist after birth for weeks or months at a time. Others may have their symptoms reappear when they ovulate. While both are rare, it is important to work with your doctor to rule out any serious causes beyond lingering symptoms of NVP or HG. Once again, remember to be kind to your body and give yourself plenty of time to recover. You may need a few months to really feel like yourself again and that’s okay.
Breastfeeding + Chestfeeding
At HGA we firmly support and empower you in whatever decision you make regarding feeding your new baby. Many HG survivors find that after nine months of having no control over their body breastfeeding or chestfeeding is the last thing they want to do. Others see it as an important step in connecting to their baby after nine months of struggling with that connection. Whatever works for you is the best decision for your family - you are an important factor in all of this and your happiness and wellbeing is of paramount importance.
If you decide not to breastfeed or chestfeed there are a few places you can find important information about the ins and outs of bottle feeding. We recommend looking at the pamphlets prepared by the WHO and Unicef.
If you would like support on breastfeeding or chestfeeding we recommend looking into the following organisations:
Lactation Consultants of Australia and New Zealand to find an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) in your local area
La Leche League International for chestfeeding resources designed specifically for Trans and Non-Binary parents
Our friends at Hyperemesis Ireland have put together a handy list of FAQs on breastfeeding and chestfeeding after HG. Reading through these, and the stories of real-life HG survivors may answer some of your questions.