Support People

HG is not just a challenge for the sufferer, but for their loved ones too. The negative ramifications can be wide-reaching and we want to be able to support the support networks too. We know that watching someone you care about suffer is incredibly difficult - especially during what should be an exciting time for everyone.

This website is full of resources designed to help you and your loved ones navigate a pregnancy with NVP or HG. Take the time to read through the resources for sufferers at each stage of this journey from Pre-conception, through Pregnancy to Postpartum, and read our FAQs. Remember, you can always contact us if you are struggling to support your partner, or other loved one with HG.

Partners + Carers

It can be hard for partners and carers to understand the lived experience of having HG. Even if you share their home and witness first hand the impact of symptoms, there’s no way to fully explain the reality of unrelenting nausea, constant vomiting, dehydration, malnutrition, and exhaustion. Not to mention the mental impact of carrying the guilt, shame, anxiety, depression, isolation, loneliness and fear that accompanies it.

Sufferers will rely on their partners to pick up the slack while they are incapacitated by HG. This will run the full gamut of responsibilities from housework and child-rearing to shouldering the financial burden if they are out of work. Partners may also be called upon to advocate with health care providers if the sufferer is too sick to detail their symptoms and experiences. Partners may be the only people able to offer first-hand accounts of how much a sufferer has eaten or drunk, how many times they’ve vomited and other information vital to doctors.

Partners may also face the challenge of having to educate themselves, extended family and friends, and even healthcare practitioners on the condition and available treatment options.

Family + Friends

Watching a loved one suffer from nausea and vomiting in pregnancy or hyperemesis gravidarum can be really tough and it can be harder still to know how best to help and support them. Here are some tips and advice from those who have been through it about what helped them.

  • Text regularly to let them know you are thinking of them but don't be upset if they don’t return texts or phone calls straight away; it can be really hard to look at screens or talk on the phone when you are feeling/being sick

  • Avoid being overly 'gushy' and excited about the baby and pregnancy; they may be feeling resentful about the baby and depressed about the pregnancy even if it was much wanted and planned. By being too excited may make them feel even more isolated or like they have to put on a front

  • Try not to question them about the safety of medications they are on; if a doctor has prescribed them then it is because they are required. If you have concerns then have a look at the Treatments page in our Pregnancy resource for further information about the medications

  • If you are able, offer to look after any older children for a couple of hours

  • Remember that smells, bright lights, loud noises and other sensory stimulation can all bring on vomiting so try to reduce these factors (especially smells)

  • If you bring food for the family then make sure it is not strong smelling (cold food is best) and don't be upset if they don't want to eat anything. They will be comforted by the fact that you’re taking care of their family

  • Vomiting in front of others can be humiliating for some so be sensitive to this

  • Try to listen without giving advice, or telling them about other peoples’ glowing pregnancies or the person you know who was sick all the time but still went to work. Remember, pregnancy sickness has a whole spectrum of severity from mild to life-threatening and everyone’s experience is different and valid

  • Bear in mind that some of the medications can cause mild drowsiness and confusion; be aware that they may find conversation a struggle; it can be nice for them to listen to you so don’t feel like you have to sit silently

  • If they are struggling to use a computer but would like to access support via Hyperemesis Australia or other support services then offer to help her

It can be great to have visitors when they feel up to it but here are some do's and don'ts for visiting times


  • Offer to pick up any shopping or prescriptions

  • Bring some magazines and books (but bear in mind they may not be up to reading right then)

  • Download some audio-books

  • If you go to the loo make sure you leave it clean. There’s nothing worse than vomiting into an unclean toilet!!!

  • They are probably spending a lot of time in bed so offer to change/wash the sheets

  • Entertain any older children and give them the chance for a lie-down or a break

  • Stack the dishwasher, fold the laundry, pack up the kids toys, give the house a quick vacuum or do a grocery run - anything that lightens the load is helpful

  • Let them complain about the pregnancy, don’t be judgemental or offer opinions or horror stories. Most sufferers just want to feel seen and supported in their suffering

  • Ask what they think they need to feel supported

  • If you are concerned that they are very dehydrated (dry lips and tongue, dry skin etc) or they seem confused or drowsy then call their doctor or take them to hospital


  • Wear perfume

  • Eat anything strong-smelling or smoke immediately before a visit

  • Bring flowers as a gift; as well-meaning as they are the smell and colours can trigger vomiting

  • Expect them to make tea and coffee or offer any food for you. If you would like something, help yourself or go without for that short period

  • Bring noisy children with you, if you can avoid it

  • Focus on the pregnancy or the illness; try to talk about 'normal' things

  • Leave any mess for them to clear up

  • Offer opinions, judgement or horror stories about using medication in pregnancy. If they’re taking anything it’s because a doctor has prescribed it and they need it

Take care of yourself

While the most important part of having a loved one with HG is caring for them - you shouldn’t forget to look after yourself as well. You will feel tired, stressed and frustrated by the situation and all the added pressure you find yourself managing.

  • Find and accept as much help as you can with your older children, the running of your house and all the little jobs that are usually shared between you both

  • Take some time out to do an activity that you enjoy. As long as you’re able to organise someone to be at home while you do so, there’s no reason to feel guilty about taking some time for yourself

  • Don’t bottle up your stress or feelings about the situation. It sucks and you’re allowed to feel rubbish about it. Seek professional support or talk to a trusted friend or relative to get your feelings off your chest

  • Remember to eat and sleep properly - you cannot be a good carer if you aren’t in good shape yourself

  • The silver lining of HG is that there is an endpoint - and you will have your partner, friend or family member back soon. Hang in there!